What Type of Scars Can be Improved With Laser Scar Revision?
Most people use over-the-counter creams and serums to treat problem skin. Unfortunately, these products are not always useful for prominent facial scars. The good news is that Wellness Diagnostics & Medispa offers real solutions without the downtime and risks associated with plastic surgery. Medical aesthetics specialist Dr. Gloria Tumbaga is proud to offer skin rejuvenation through the advanced Er:YAG laser in Temecula, CA.
So, how does laser scar revision work, and what kinds of scars can be revised through this unique treatment? Our clinic can address these questions and more when you request a skin assessment. We can help you achieve a clear and beautiful complexion.
What causes acne scars?
Many men and women have sensitive skin prone to scarring. If you experience frequent acne breakouts, you may have some acne scars around the forehead, cheeks, and chin. Laser skin resurfacing improves a wide range of skin conditions, including the rough skin texture associated with scarring. During this procedure, our Er:YAG laser beam addresses uneven scar tissue and stimulates new collagen production.
Candidates for skin rejuvenation
Adults with most kinds of facial scarring are good candidates for laser scar revision. However, patients with open wounds or lesions in the treatment area are not qualified at this time. We want to prevent complications, such as infection that may lead to more scarring. Dr. Tumbaga can perform an examination to ensure our procedure is safe and effective for you.
Our facility also offers treatments to prevent new acne from forming in the first place. Our precisely controlled Nd:YAG laser light targets overactive sebaceous glands to reduce skin inflammation associated with acne. Our specialists can create a custom treatment based on your current needs and goals.
Types of acne scars we treat
Wellness Diagnostics & Medispa may treat the following kinds of acne scars:
Ice pick scars: resemble deep pits and indentations in the skin
Boxcar scars: box-like scars with sharply defined edges
Rolling scars: shallow scars with sloping edges
Our team may be able to treat other kinds of facial scars in Temecula, CA:
Hypertrophic scars: characterized by raised scar tissue at the site of injury
Contracture scars: scars that tighten the skin, sometimes making your skin inflexible
Keloid scars: scar tissue extends beyond the original injury
Considerations to keep in mind
Laser scar revision is not necessarily a miracle cure for deep acne scars. During your consultation, Dr. Tumbaga can review your problem areas and let you know what is possible through skin rejuvenation. It may take several weeks before new collagen production will help your skin appear smoother and firmer. We can also help you schedule follow-up appointments as needed to achieve the best outcomes.
Treat acne scars
Acne scars can be frustrating and embarrassing, especially in adults. If you want to live your life with more confidence, new collagen production is key. Request laser scar revision with the professionals at Wellness Diagnostics & Medispa. Dr. Gloria Tumbaga can address acne scars and even prevent new ones from forming in the first place. Contact a member of our staff in Temecula, CA to schedule a laser appointment and get the process started today.