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How Much Longer Can Erections Last After the P-Shot®?

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With the revolutionary P-Shot®, you can join the many other men who are achieving higher quality, longer-lasting erections. At Wellness Diagnostics and Medispa, serving Temecula, Menifee, Murrieta, San Diego, CA, and surrounding areas, Dr. Gloria Tumbaga, our esteemed medical aesthetics specialist, can help you enhance your sexual performance and improve your overall sexual experience with the P-Shot. 


What is the P-Shot? 

The P-Shot, also known as the Priapus Shot, is a highly advanced regenerative treatment that utilizes platelet-rich plasma (PRP) therapy to rejuvenate certain structures and tissues in the penis for enhanced sexual function and, more specifically, a better quality of erections. PRP is derived from your own blood and contains growth factors that stimulate tissue regeneration and improve blood flow. 


How does the P-Shot work? 

To begin a P-Shot treatment, a small tube of blood is drawn from the patient’s arm using a standard blood draw technique. The injection site can be numbed with a topical anesthetic for comfort, during which time the blood is processed in a centrifuge in order to isolate the PRP. Finally, the P-Shot is injected into specific areas of the penis to stimulate new tissue growth and increase blood flow. It helps improve the health and function of the erectile tissue, leading to firmer and longer-lasting erections. The growth factors present in PRP promote the formation of new blood vessels and stimulate better circulation and cellular turnover, which further enhance tissue regeneration. 


How long can erections last after the P-Shot? 

The duration of improved erections after the P-Shot can vary from patient to patient. Many men report their erections developing quicker and lasting up to twice as long after the P-Shot. Additionally, patients often report the overall effects of the P-Shot lasting for up to a year — or more — before a repeat injection may be needed. Like most erectile dysfunction treatments, results can vary based on individual patient factors — such as age, overall health, and lifestyle habits. 


What are the benefits of the P-Shot? 

While longer-lasting erections are certainly among the most compelling benefits of the P-Shot, there are a variety of other potential advantages of using the P-Shot for improved sexual function, including:  

  • Improved erectile function and firmness 
  • Increased blood flow to the penis 
  • Enhanced sexual performance and satisfaction 
  • Potential for longer-lasting erections 
  • Nonsurgical 
  • No downtime 
  • Results can last for up to a year or longer 


Is there a P-Shot equivalent for women? 

For women experiencing female sexual dysfunction in the form of vaginal dryness, laxity, and other symptoms, Dr. Tumbaga also offers the O-Shot® — or Orgasm Shot. With the O-Shot, many women have enhanced their sexual function and satisfaction with similar results as men who have used the P-Shot. Additionally, many partners choose to get the P-Shot and O-Shot at the same time to help achieve a boosted, combined effect. 


Don’t let ED keep you down. Consider the P-Shot in Temecula, CA for firmer, longer-lasting erections 

Whether you are frustrated by the duration and firmness of your erections or another sexual dysfunction symptom, you may be a candidate for the P-Shot. To learn more about the potential for longer-lasting erections with the P-Shot, call Wellness Diagnostics and Medispa in Temecula, CA to schedule your discreet consultation with Dr. Gloria Tumbaga today. 


* All information subject to change. Images may contain models. Individual results are not guaranteed and may vary.