Five Questions About The P-Shot® Answered
Can men rejuvenate their sex life with the Priapus Shot® (P-Shot)? There has recently been a lot of buzz about the P-Shot helping men who are struggling with erectile dysfunction or sexual performance. A quick blood draw and platelet-rich plasma can be the solution you need with this revolutionary way for men to take back their sex life. At Wellness Diagnostics and Medispa in Temecula, CA, medical aesthetics specialist Dr. Gloria Tumbaga offers many anti-aging and regenerative procedures for men and women. If you need help with sexual function or performance, and have been considering the P-Shot, read on to learn the answers to five common questions that male patients ask.
What are the causes of erectile dysfunction?
Erectile dysfunction is the inability to achieve or maintain a firm erection during intercourse. If this issue occurs from time to time, it isn't necessarily a cause for concern. However, if erectile dysfunction is an ongoing problem, it can contribute to relationship issues and create stress. It can also be the sign of an underlying health concern for men, like heart disease or prostate cancer. Erectile dysfunction can be caused by numerous issues, such as high cholesterol, high blood pressure, obesity, excessive alcohol use, and more. If you are concerned about erectile dysfunction, you should consult Dr. Tumbaga at Wellness Diagnostics & Medispa to rule out any health conditions. In most cases, this issue can be reversed or treated with medications or treatments, like the P-Shot.
Five questions about the P-Shot and PRP treatment
Platelet-rich plasma or PRP has been used to treat medical conditions like hair loss, increase collagen production with facial treatments, and aid in injury rehabilitation. By isolating platelet-rich plasma from a blood sample, it is injected into the part of the body that needs its healing properties. Temecula, CA men can opt for the P-Shot to promote penile tissue and cell growth and, ultimately, provide better erections. If you are considering the Priapus Shot (P-Shot), here are five common questions often asked by male patients:
1. What is the P-shot?
Priapus was the Greek God of fertility, often depicted in literature as having a permanent or oversized erection. The Priapus Shot, or P-Shot, is a regenerative medicine procedure that uses platelet-rich plasma to restore penile tissue growth, new blood vessels, firmer erections, improved circulation, and increased sensation.
2. How does P-Shot work?
A small blood sample, about 60 ml, is drawn and processed to extract the platelet-rich plasma. The penis is then numbed or anesthetized so the PRP can be re-injected back into the target area. The whole process takes about an hour, but the injections only take about 10 – 15 minutes.
3. Does the P-Shot hurt?
For obvious reasons, men are often concerned about the pain factor. The P-Shot procedure is not without some discomfort. However, topical numbing agents and localized anesthesia are used during the injection process to minimize any minor pain.
4. Will I need more than one P-Shot and PRP treatment?
The P-Shot is a standalone treatment. However, Temecula, CA men can benefit from building on their current results and have subsequent treatments since their platelet-rich plasma is used. With that factor, there is no limit to the number of P-Shots patients can receive.
5. How soon can I get back to sexual activity?
Male patients may experience at the injection site slight swelling, redness, and bruising. These minor side effects should begin to dissipate in about 4 – 6 days. Men can generally resume all normal sexual function in about 24 – 48 hours.
Are you considering P-Shot treatment in Temecula, CA?
If you think the Priapus Shot (P-Shot) is right for you, then learn more about this innovative treatment at Wellness Diagnostics & Medispa and schedule your consultation with Dr. Gloria Tumbaga. If you are suffering from a lack of sexual performance or erectile dysfunction, the P-Shot can help. Contact one of our professional staff members today, and take your first step to get your confidence and sex life back!